Kristina karassoulis. Investing in technology as a result of the global investing-in-technology pandemic. Fashion brands have shift to using more digital channels to engage with consumers looking for unique experiences. However. Not all brands are making the most of these platforms. Youtube’s head of fashion and beauty. Derek blasberg. Reveal five important elements of youtube content that attract audiences: write a catchy and interesting video title to grab the viewer’s attention. Choose a prominent visual image for your preview. If it’s a fashion show. Choose a noteworthy look from the collection. End cards are important to keep your viewers finding more videos and engaging with your content.
Embding links from your youtube videos into your other channels can
Increase views and generate greater performance and visibility for your brand. Investing-in-technology business lead Descriptions are the best framework to contextualize content for your viewers. A strong video marketing campaign can have a significant impact on brand performance. You can check out our recent report in collaboration with youtube. ‘youtube’s fashion effect’ to find out more! The new phase of digital everyone talks about the metaverse. But what does this mean for brands? Companies are taking steps to learn and implement blockchain technologies and remain competitive. However. First and foremost brands ne to be aware of their current consumers and the extent of their knowlge of this new landscape. In august 2021.
Nars cosmetics releas a series of nfts on the truesy marketplace.
Dina fierro. Vp of global digital strategy engagement at nars. Notes that this choice of marketplace was strategic. They understood that their customers had limit knowlge of the crypto-space and ensur that the platform was accessible via crit card. Not only did she help drive sales. But she also creat a memorable experience for customers as they likely acquir their first nft. Similarly. Arianee co-founder pierre nicolas hurstel suggests that companies should consider the difficulties of entering the crypto-space. Network fees and exchange rates investing-in-technology can be confusing. Phone Number BL Therefore. By combining physical products and nfts. Brands can incorporate fees into their pricing strategy.