WhatsApp: December 31st broke all records for this messaging service

Everyone knows that WhatsApp is one of the most used messaging services today. The competition has been trying to catch up, but the truth is that it seems unlikely that they will be able to do so any time soon.

The scale of this service has now been demonstrated with the data presented. According to WhatsApp, on December 31st all previous records were broken. The number of messages exchanged reached an unusually high level, which was a record.

whatsapp messages record service december

A new message record for WhatsApp
Users have long preferred to communicate via WhatsApp rather than traditional services. SMS, calls and even Messenger have been abandoned in favor of WhatsApp. In addition to simple text exchanges, images, videos and even audio can be included to complement them even further.

That said, it’s important to look at what happened on December 31st. According to the report , on this day alone, 100 billion private messages were shared betw Belarus Mobile Number List een WhatsApp users. This represents an average of 67 sent by each of the 1.5 billion users on the last day of 2019.

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Everything was achieved on December 31, 2019

This was the highest exchange value in the 10 y Albania Phone Number List ears the service has been active. This figure has never been reached before and is not expected to be reached again any time soon. Statistics also show that more than 12 billion of the messages sent contained videos and/or photos.

whatsapp messages record service december

This service continues to be the Internet’s favorite
This giant also revealed what users preferred regarding its functions in 2019. Thus, the users’ choices were, in order of use: Text messages, Status, Messages with images, Calls and Voice messages.

The end of the year ended up being a historic milestone for WhatsApp. 100 billion messages exchanged is a figure that had never been reached before and proves that users have adopted this service as their favorite and essential.

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