This means that A video is an essential skill for any budding video itor! How to crop a video with Camtasia One of the fastest. simplest (and best) ways to crop a video is with TechSmith’s Camtasia. Our user-friendly iting suite comes with a wide range of advanc tools that are super easy to use — making it perfect for professional and novice itors alike! With Camtasia. you can change the spe of your videos. add music to your footage. and even create clos captions and subtitles.
But before we talk about all the wonderful ways you can use
This means that Camtasia. let’s get back to the matter at hand. Here are step-by-step instructions to crop a video using Camtasia: Step 1: With a video clip. or asia email list image. select on the canvas. you can select the Crop tool. Step 2: With the Crop button select. select the video clip or image that you want to crop. Step 3: A thin blue line (and handles) will appear on your clip.
which shows that Crop mode has been enabl.
This means that Click and hold the handles to drag the ges of the clip or image until your frame looks exactly how you want it. Step 4: When you’re finish. toggle back to it mode by clicking the cursor icon above the canvas. Once a clip has been cropp. Phone Number BL you can move it to wherever you ne it on the canvas. How to un-crop a video Using Camtasia to crop a clip is particularly useful because it’s “non-destructive.”. the original clip remains intact. So. if you look back on your its at a later stage and realize the shot look better as it was. or want to crop it differently.