Drastic drop in the CPI in March 2023

The CPI rate in March   plummete to from  last month. This is a drop of almost three points in a  the CPI since it began to rise last year. It seems that,  in a context in which the Government  which It also contemplates a limit of  on rent increases for . Let’s see how this drop in the CPI can condition the rent measures in 2023  apartment. Rent your apartment and forget about worries 0% late payment. We take charge if the tenant does not pay.  Spain, the envy of Europe in terms of inflation Spain currently  data in terms of inflation, with only behind Germany (2.4%) and Switzerland  Italy (7.7%), according to data provided by the newspaper Expansión . In terms of housing , especially in electricity, followed   in its monthly report.

Evolution of the CPI in Spain 2022-23

Annual rate of the general Consumer  INE Created with  The rental price limit: what will happen now? If you have an apartment for rent , you will  2% limit on any rent increase. It  in force since 2022, according to Royal Decree-Law 20/2022 , by which exceptionally the rent is Cambodia Phone Number Data not Competitiveness Guarantee Index (IGC), which right now cap of 2 % . This limitation coincides with the European Union’s objective of containing inflation to 2% in the medium term , a percentage at which countries such as  (10.6%), the but which Spain seems close to reaching. After a year of mitigation measures, the Government was considering raising the rent limit to  Law , whose negotiations were on after the approval of the Republican Left of Catalonia (ERC).

Phone Number Data

So, can I raise the rent of my apartment with the CPI?

Only after each year of validity of the contract ,  the rents base on the variation of the CPI . Of course, for now, only a maximum increase  Algeria Phone Number List with your tenant). Thus, for example, if a tenant pays €800 per month, the 2% increase would  pay €816 each month. Now: you have to be careful with this drastic drop in the CPI . If an annual inflation rate of less than 2% is soon recorde, and what is specifie regarding rent updates will have to be taken into account. We tell you in detail in our recommende article. According to the law. Is it a good time to rent? Face with a constantly moving real estate market, it is worth putting their apartment up for rent now or waiting. But the supply of homes for rent is scarce and, face with great demand from tenants, our experts trust that it is a very good time to put a property on the market and thus take advantage of the high profitability of the home .

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