Digital contents the course in which you decide to enroll you will find an index with the topics covere. At the end of this online training you will obtain a certificate that accreits your knowlege. A key aspect to include in your CV especially when dealing with courses focuse on digital skills. Online training with the new Conecta Empleo courses Below we highlight several of the free online training that you can enjoy with the new Conecta Empleo call which every few months comes with new proposals for courses focuse on different fields. From programming design communication marketing to office skills.
Methodologies and lean approaches
Keep reading! Introduction to programming. One of the jobs of the future is that of a programmer or developer. This is one of the profiles most requeste by companies however in Spain there are 120000 ICT jobs to be fille. Only for the software developer profile photo editor there are 40000 vacancies. Connect Employment Fundación Telefónica Therefore if you want to start in the world of programming or if you are already part of it we recommend the online course Introduction to programming and we encourage you to learn specific languages or other areas of this discipline.
Creation of environment basic
once you have finishe this training such as the following Programming with Java Standard . Programming with JavaScript. Cybersecurity in the Phone Number BL eucational environment. Internet security. Introduction to game design Another discipline that is becoming more relevant especially with the arrival of the Metaverse is the development of video games. As collecte from the Spanish Video Game AssociationAEVI this sector generates 9000 jobs with an economic impact of approximately 3600 million euros. That is of the national GDP. And everything indicates that the demand for professionals in this sector will continue to increase since