The first sales of our new product on Amazon

The first sales of our new product on Amazon. It’s always a small joy when a new product you send to Amazon sells for the first time. The joy is much greater when it is a product that you have created yourself. Surprisingly, the first sale came from Italy and not from Spain as I would have imagined. It is a product that is related to our old e-commerce and that we had already communicated to our old contacts.

What we have done to achieve the first sales

What we have done to achieve the first sales Maybe let’s start with what we haven’t done. We have not launched Amazon Ads, which is typical and recommended at this point. The sales and even more so that of Italy came out of nowhere. The one in Spain may be the consequence of the marketing we did through direct contacts but it is not really known. What I have said from the first moment is this. “I’m not worried about the first sales email contact list  of this product right now because it is a good product that is going to sell.” The truth is that I still think the same and I am even more happy.

Thinking beyond Amazon to sell our product

Thinking beyond Amazon to sell our product Those of us who move in the Amazon universe often do not think beyond it. Last week we contacted the largest store in Europe Phone Number BL potentially interested in our product because it has similar items (which were also out of stock). The surprise was that in just 12 hours we had the answer. After asking us for prices and apparently they fit, they are interested in placing an order for up to 5,000 units.

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