68% check the restaurant’s rating online before choosing

This section aims to gather information about the tastes and interests of our readers, through relevant, current issues, which we place on the side of our website.

This time we wanted to know if readers check a restaurant’s rating on the Internet before choosing them.

Let’s see all the results!

Before choosing a restaurant, do you usually check the Internet to see which ones are the best rated?
We received 1,519 responses and the majority, with 68% of the votes, said YES, they usually check the online price of restaurants before choosing them.

The remaining 32% responded that they do NOT have this habit.

Results in graph

If you didn’t answer, tell us now if you usually ch Venezuela Mobile Number List eck the rating of restaurants on the Internet before choosing them.

This week’s question:

Phone Number List

Should the Porta dos Fundos Christmas Special movie be removed from Netflix?

No. (81%)
Yes. (19%)
Total Vote Afghanistan Phone Number List s: 2,422

If you would like to see a topic voted on in our weekly questions, leave a comment with it or send it to marisa.pinto

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