1 Think of productivity as an innate ability

1 Think of productivity as an innate ability Thinking of productivity as an innate ability can be very dangerous. In fact, thinking of anything as an innate ability, however you understand it, can be very dangerous because it can make you think that it is out of your reach. An innate ability is something that comes easy to you, that you have always had. That’s what it seems like you learned from childbirth. Having an innate ability is a great personal advantage, because everything that has to do with that activity will be especially easy for you . So far in agreement?

innate ability is

Now, no matter how innate it is, if you don’t work on it, train it and develop it, you will end up losing it. And, more importantly, just because someone has an innate ability does not mean that other people cannot learn it and develop it until they top industry data master it . Indeed, in equality of training, those who possess it innately will surpass those who  do not. But who said this is a competition? Who said you can’t be creative if it’s not in your blood? Who told you that the fact that your friend organizes himself so well without even having to think about it means that you can’t achieve it?

your friend

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